Aug 5Liked by The Book Tide

I am following the suggestions from one of your earliest blogs here about how to read more books… I am newly retired and put this endeavor into a new schedule for my days. I read I a “bound paper book” 🤣)after lunch when I now have a rest. Please don’t think this is an excuse to nap as I am not a napper. I get in my bed, arrange pillows especially to support my legs, pull my drapes and read with one of those little lights just for my book. This is something I truly look forward to each day. I listen to an audiobook in the car or in my quilting studio while I work. Then while my husband saws logs, I read on my phone in the dark. I read carefully chosen series that could be called “cozies” if they were British. The point is that they are interesting but allow me to unwind and feel drowsy after about 10-20 minutes. This plan is working well!

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Love that you are scheduling reading time into your life!

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